Friday, May 1, 2020
Satisfaction and Their Diversity Perceptions
Question: Discuss about the International Students Study Satisfaction and Their Diversity Perceptions. Answer: Introduction International Students Study Satisfaction and Their Diversity Perceptions The study of cultural diversity helps learners become responsible and respective of diverse cultures of different people while interacting with various environments. Knowledge of the cultural diversity significantly reduces students rate of racial prejudice and discrimination. Through engagements and participation in diversity, education creates a setting over which efficient transfer of sound reasoning about other people's differences is enhanced (Zeichner, 2012). Students perceptions on the demographic compositions and motivational tools of the other students contribute a lot to the establishment of an environment for academic excellence. When there is a mutual feeling of satisfaction from all students on the nature of cultural diversity within an institution enriches growth of new cultures and unique demographics. This study seeks to demonstrate the importance and effects of international students study satisfaction and their diversity perceptions on Queensland Australia, University of Queensland. Real cultural diversity within the university creates a feeling of satisfaction for all international students. The study employs the use quantitative research approaches basically by use of feedbacks obtained from questionnaires filled by the international students. Robbins Judge, (2012) argues that the use of questionnaires give a variety of responses from the students over which the researcher may obtain concrete information to drive valid conclusions and recommendations regarding the research topic. Research Objectives and Questions The study of international students satisfaction and their diversity perceptions remains a significant topic of research based on diversity, engagements, and participation. In particular, this problem is studied primarily on the feedbacks obtained from international students studying at the University of Queesnsland. The main research aims and objectives include: To explore the student's satisfaction and their perceptions of diversity. To explore the motivational factors of students in the Universiy of Queensland. To find out the demographic factors of students at the University of Queensland. To evaluate international students engagement and participation in the Universitys cultural events. The study aims to answer various questions, some of which include: What is the level of satisfaction and diversity perceptions for international students in Australia? What are the factors that motivate international students in the university? What are the demographic factors composing students at the University of Queensland? How do international students participate or get engaged in cultural diversity events within the college? Students Satisfaction and Diversity Perceptions The culture of the University of Queensland values all the cultural aspects of students from different ethnic communities and races. The students are educated that people's opinions, ideas, and perceptions differ from what they look externally (Reynolds, Sneva, Beehler, 2010). The university provides a culture off of learning from one another in that the international students are enabled to acquire new cultures from the Australian students who come from different cultures. The university has established a wide range of classroom activities that assist foreign students in recognizing the essential humanity and the core value of various races of people. There is freedom of interaction and socialization that enable both the local and international students share stories of their cultures, beliefs, practices, and diversity perceptions to other communities cultures (Banks, 2015). Through this excellent approach by the university leadership, the student's satisfaction and diversity perce ptions are enhanced. Further, the administration of the University of Queensland has established the use of one common language that is mainly utilized by the tutors when giving lectures to their students. However, the international students are not satisfied with this approach and recommend the use of more than one primary languages to educate them. Every student has a positive perception of diversity and feel that diversity brings creativity and energy to the established culture (Barbatis, 2010). The university requires that all the international students studying in the school should leave their cultural differences at home and conform to the general standards at the course work. The international students get motivated and more productive when they have a positive perception that the university values and accepts their contribution to the growth and development of academic culture (Museus, 2014). Increasing the school diversity has improved the quality of interrelationships within the institution. Motivational Factors Students need different types of motivation as per their age. The most primary factor that motivates students is the ability to set a goal and striving hard to ensure that the purpose is realized (Bednarz, Schim, Doorenbos, 2010). International students studying at the University of Queensland, Australia come from different kinds of racial backgrounds, and this affects what kind of motivation assists them to excel in the institution. Most international students are interested in learning new ways of life and languages from the others. However, some of the students are full of cultural prejudice, and a superiority interest believes that their culture is the best. The leadership of the university advocates for the use of unique tones of communication while addressing their students and telling them the importances of cultural diversity. As per the findings of the research feedback on the questionnaire, most students are motivated to study different cultural aspects of communities and that they feel stimulated, excited, and energized to learn more about cultural diversity (Bhabha, 2012). The driving force and motivator of learning cultural diversity remain to be the desire to gain a vast knowledge of the cultures of different people from different nations. Motivation enables students to excel in their academics. Most international students are always motivated to study in a foreign country and therefore, prepared and ready to learn new cultures through the interaction with other students from that country. To begin with, demonstrating to the student's different photos of people of different ethnicities, sizes, and shapes motivate them to aspire to have an experience of individuals who look entirely different from themselves. The desire to interact with people from different cultures, tribes, and cultural norms motivates international students to go and study abroad (Dogra, Reitmanova, Carter-Pokras, 2010). International students are driven by the lessons taught at the University of Queensland about multicultural role models for this equips them with the abilities to understand gender, ethnic, and appearance perspectives of different people. Teaching students the majority rules continuously contributes to overall cultural growth and so und reasoning when making political decisions. Demographic Factors Recently, the population trends and implementation of policies allowing freedom of education have led to a significant in the number of international students who study in Australia. Despite the fact that the University of Queensland enrolls diverse body of students every year, recent research claims that these students do not experience similar university studying environment like the one encountered by the local students. There was a lack of support and unconducive studying climate from the University, but recently the school's administration has employed race equity measures that ensure that both the domestic and international students are treated the same with equity and without discrimination (Emerson, Fretz, Shaw, 2011). Apart from the formerly existed different experiences, research suggests that international students from diverse ethnic and racial compositions surprisingly had varying perspectives regarding campus life mainly based on cultural perspectives Reynolds, Sneva, Beehler, 2010). The Australian students perceive the international students, in particular from Africa as racial segregation while the other students from America are seen to be valuable and learned in that they can easily get consulted to provide support academically. Demographic factors affecting the cultural diversity in Queensland also involve discrimination, prejudice, and criticism of particular people from some continents. The feedbacks obtained suggest that ethnic or racial compositions within the University of Queensland, attitudes of prejudgment and prejudice on one's course, and discriminating a particular race within the classwork affects students studies (Muethel, Gehrlein, Hoegl, 2012). Some of the international students prejudice the faculties being undertaken by some students arguing that such courses or degrees are not marketable, this creates a mental stress and torture for the affected students. Further, other students view the diversity of degree programs as establishing a multidimensional platform under which every student is allowed to study a subject of his or her passion (Davis, 2014). The leadership of the university should discourage discriminatory experiences over the ethnic and race composts of the student's body. Participation and Engagement Involvement and participation involve the degree by which both the international and local students within the campus spend their time in classwork and engaging in the cultural events. Recent research suggests that students averagely spend their time equitably on study and leisure activities with our culture oriented. The University of Queensland, Australia adopts an inclusive culture that seeks to engage diverse ideas, students, and opinions so as to establish a vigilant learning environment (Gay, 2010). Under the department of sociology and culture, the institution has transformed campus culture to the extent that the entire university collectively benefits from the engagement into diversity. The participation and engagement of international students into the university's career events has transformed culture diversity and created a sense of belonging as well as respect for both the staff and the student's fraternity (Robbins Judge, 2012). Further, the university recommends that t he students should form culturally several clubs and societies whose agenda is to educate and equip fellow learners with new perceptions and skills of professional excellence. The department of culture, history, and diversity establishes lectures, tutorials, and group assignments examination modes for the students studying all subjects as a standard university unit. Research show that most of the international students put more efforts in completing assessments as compared to the local students from Australia. Further, all the international students studying in the campus keep up to date with their studies and regularly consult the lectures on some cultural aspects which seem to be challenging for them to understand (Biggs, 2011). However, other researchers show that the international students are lazier in attending classes as compared to the Australian students as the former spent much of their time in leisure activities other than attending lectures and tutorials (Mertens, 2014). As a result, the university's department of sports and science include more international students in cultural shows than the local ones, an aspect which is viewed to be discri minatory by the Australian students. In future, the leadership of the university should emphasize the importance of balancing time as well as the importance of fairness and equity amongst different students from varying nations with different cultures and race. Research Design This is the strategy employed by the researcher in the integration of various components of the research in a logical manner and enables the researcher to effectively address the research question (Levy Lemeshow, 2013). Practical research design constitutes of data collection, measurement, and analysis. In the study of the international student's education satisfaction and their diversity perceptions, quantitative research design is primarily used in the collection, measurement, and analysis of data. Study population The study population in this study is the students both internationally and locally studying in Australia. Sampling method The study uses simple random sampling method whereby every student within the university has the same chance of being selected to give his or her opinions as per the questionnaire. Sample size The student population at the University of Queensland is 1500 students, who should fill the questionnaires are respondents individually. Data collection method Secondary data collection method is used. Secondary data information is highly reliable in this study as the filled questionnaires, and other sources of information are allowed to be used in gathering sufficient and appropriate data for the proposal. Quantitative research design This is a formal, objective, and a systematic process of gathering quantifiable information about a population, it describes tests relationships, examines the cause and effect relationships, and enables the researcher to present information through questionnaires (Creswell, 2013). In our case, the availability of a questionnaire to be filled by the students allows a researcher to use the feedbacks obtained from the students in determining their diversity perceptions, engagements, motivation, and demographic factors. Advantages of Quantitative design Quantitative research design enables the researcher to measure any analyze the relevant data in the study effectively. There is an excellent and detailed study of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Enables the researcher to test the hypothesis in individual experiments due to its ability to measure data and use statistical information. Allows the researcher to minimize and eliminate the subjectivity of judgment of results and feedback obtained from the interviewers. Suitability of Quantitative approach Research questionnaires filled by both the sample populations of the international and local students assists the researcher to have no difficulties in making a decision over the underlying challenges. Further, the quantitative research design is suitable for this study since there is no necessity for an in-depth examination of the respondent's opinions from the questionnaires in respect to their areas of interest (Smith Osborn, 2009). The research design has enabled the researcher to collect sufficient data through questionnaires filled by different students from various countries who study at the University of Queensland, Australia. Ethical issues The ethical issues surrounding this study are discrimination, racism, and ethnic issues. There are strong aspects of discrimination to some international students studying in Australia by the school administration and the tutors. Also, the element of racist has dipped itself seriously in the university whereby some of the students consider themselves more superior than the other (Andrews Herzberg, 2012). This is basically between the whites and the black students. Further, there are ethnic issues in the organization, whereby while English is still considered as the common language that should be used by all students, other students still have a feeling that their other languages should be utilized instead. Options for solving ethical issues Moral issues establish conflicts within the campus and should, therefore, get kicked out with immediate effect. The following approaches should be used to address these problems. Initiate programs for educating the importance of fairness and equity to all students, lectures, and stakeholders of the institution. Educate students on the importance of cultural diversity within an organization, as well as the dangers of racism. Design strategies and programs for cultural events where every racial and ethnic composition is given a chance to express their culture. Timeline This part shows schedule and tasks needed to be completed for the study to make it a success, they are presented in a table as below: Tasks Timeline (Months) Create items for the study 3 Review items with experts 5 assistance. Pre- test the data with a representative 4 a sample of the students Do programming of the chosen 9 software to analyze the survey Preparation of study site 9 Hire, train, and develop research 8 assistants Employ 1500 subjects and administer 18 the study of all departments Analysis of data 22 Prepare the manual scripts to peer 24 reviewed journals. Conclusion Education is the key to success. Most people prefer doing their undergraduate and postgraduate education outside their country of birth. International students face various challenges in an attempt to cope and tolerate foreign cultures and learning climates. However, this exposure equips them with new approaches to understanding the importance of cultural diversity as well as valuing the participation and engagement in campus cultural events. Given the importances of studying abroad, students should look forward to going to study there so as to gain professional skills, communities cultures, and book studies. Therefore, the international student's satisfaction and perception of diversity enable them to appreciate its importance and as a result, educate the other students on how to enhance effective interpersonal relations within the campus even if people come from different nations. References Andrews, D. F., Herzberg, A. M. (2012).Data: a collection of problems from many fields for the student and research worker. Springer Science Business Media. Banks, J. A. (2015).Cultural diversity and education. Routledge. 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