Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Description Of Leadership Styles
The Description Of Leadership Styles Organizational achievements are directly affected by type of leadership which their leaders are applying. So its important to review the literature on leadership styles. Throughout leadership history, many researchers have tried to explain about all or some part of typicality collection which results a successful leadership. Some of the most often quoted historical authors include Plato, Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Locke from the West and Confucius and Xunxi from the East (J.R. Turner R. Muller, 2005). Barnard (1938) defined the leaders basic functions. Based on his suggestion, an executive leader should have managerial and emotional attitudes. Managerial attitudes relapsed to cognitive and emotional attitudes refer to cathectic skills. Cognitive skills contain guiding, perfusing aims and directing related tasks. Cathectic skills contain motivational functions for making goal-seeking thoughts and increasing commitment between team members or a sample group. Aristotle defines three spec ifications for a good leader: 1. Developing relationships between all followers 2. Advocating an ethic vision 3. Leading by logic to manage activities. Researches have dedicated different dividing for leadership styles. At first we review divisions based on current sects over the recent seventy years. Handy (1982), Partington (2003) and Dulewicz Higgs (2003) have defined six main sects for leadership theory: The trait approach The style approach The contingency approach The charismatic approach t The EI (emotional intelligence) approach The competency approach The Trait Sect approach was pervasive until 1940s. It assumes leadership ability as an inborn specification not an acquisitive one. Turner (1999) through his studies found seven traits for effective executive leaders (e.g., ability of solving problems, negotiation and result-based mind). Kirkpatrick and Locke (1991) defined six topicalities as traits for an effective leader. The style approach was pervasive between 1940s-1960s. The basis of this sect is based on assuming leadership as an acquisitive concern. The most applicable theories in this frame place leaders on one or two dimensional metric by comparing them with one or two parameters. Its seeable in Adair (1983), Blake Mouton (1978) and Slevins (1989) works. The contingency sect was pervasive up to 1970s. Instead of last sects for finding fix attitudes for leadership, it suggests that being an effective leader depends on the pertinences of situations. Its typified in House (1971), Fiedler (1967) and Robbinss (1997) works. This sect tends to follow a process containing these steps: 1. Apprising the leaders characteristics 2. Evaluating mentioned situation based on main contingency variables 3. Seeking an accordant between the situation and the leader. House (1971) based path-goal theory as a contingency theory considering leader as a guider for helping the team in both finding goal and the process of finding. Path-goal theory defines four leadership types (Directive, Supportive, Participative and Achievement-oriented leaders). These should be matched with subordinate and environmental factors. Fiedlers (1967) different leadership types were based on defining three main variables for determining desirability between leadership style and situation. Such determination will affect the role of the leader. The charismatic approach was pervasive between 1980s- 1990s. it based on analyzing the behaviors of leaders which were successful in leading their organizations in changing situations. Based on Basss (1990) suggestion there are two leadership styles; transactional and transformational. Cognitive roles of Barnard are in accordance with the transactional leaders attitudes. Barnards cathectic roles are adaptable with The transformational leaders attitudes. Bass (1990) provided the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) for evaluating type of leaders (transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire). MLQ is the most applicable questionnaire of evaluating leaders. Dulewicz and Higgs (2004) have adjoined more scales for both Organizational Concept and Organizational Commitment. By adding these scales, the weaknesses of primary MLQ has rectified. The IE (Emotional Intelligence) approach has been pervasive since the late 1990s. Its based on considering the emotional intelligence of leaders as the most important factor in success of them. Goleman, Boyatzis, McKee (2002) has Developed four dimensions for intellectual capability of a leader. These four dimensions lead to create six different leadership styles (Visionary, Democratic, Coaching, Pacesetting, Affiliative and Commanding). They assume that first four styles accelerate the responsibility in the team working and improve the performance but tow remained styles can lead to decrease both the responsibility and the performance. But in some cases these two styles (regarding the situation) might be useful. They also have demonstrated the correlation between IE, leadership style and organizational performance. Since the late 1990s the advertency of studies has moved to identification of Effective leaders competencies. All the efforts about such identifications return to competency approach. It might be considered as the similarity between competency approach and trait approach. But its important to emphasize that competencies are not inborn so its possible to make an effective leader. Different combined competencies will result different types of leadership which is suitable for different situations; Producing transactional leaders in situations of low complexity and transformational leaders in situations of high complexity (J.R. Turner R. Muller, 2005). Competencies are derived from mental or technical or bases. Dulewicz and Higgs (2003) have shown a comprehensive overview for competency approach and its functions. For ending the literature about leadership styles, its necessary to review basic leadership styles. Demonstrating three basic leadership styles by Kurt Lewin (1939) and his research group was the first try in defining leadership styles. As an early study, they demonstrate the main compartment containing Autocratic, Democratic and Laissez-Faire styles. Dyers study in 1986 showed that there are five separate approaches to leadership- participative, autocratic, laissez-faire/ mission, expert and referent. Recent classification assumes more divisions. There are six basic styles of leadership (Goleman, 2000) which containing coercive, authoritative, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting and coaching styles. Considering recent research results, effective leaders have ability to use their emotional intelligence for matching the assorted leadership style with particular situation. These six main styles are using different aspects of emotional intelligence for different situations. The ability for switching between these types for current situation of organization will make an effective leadership. Coercive style as an approach is using for compulsive situation. Such approach must be used warily because in most of situations, it may have negative effects on motivation and flexibility of employees. Authoritative style is less rigid than Coercive style by giving just freedom to employees for selecting the way of achieving the goal which has determined decisively by the leader. Affiliative style is based on giving no advice to employees. Its suitable for increasing coordination and sodality between leader and employees but may create employees instability. Democratic style makes an open area for decision making. Such approach increases the responsibility and flexibility throughout the organization but may create dispersion and decentralization disadvantages. Pacesetting style shows some kind of leadership who tries to make both high level for employees performance and advantages for competent workers. Such approach usually makes inverse results based on leaders idealism tendency. Coaching style signify the leaders focus on personality of workers more than their tasks. It causes improving weaknesses but may have inverse effect on rigid employees. Executives use six leadership styles, but only four of the six consistently have a positive effect on climate and results (Goleman, 2000). Whatever the leader has more domination on coaching, democratic, authoritative and affiliative styles, organizational achievement will be increased. Focus on Autocratic Leadership Style and its Applications and its Failure and Success Cases 3 pages In autocratic leadership style, workers and followers are controlled by one person as a leader. Theres no collaborative decision making and no concrescence between leaders and staff. Workers lose their responsibility, initiative and accountability. Such approach has negative effects on compensating process. In most of cases, autocratic style can be used for resurrecting a failing business by determining new ways of survival with a top-down set of procedures. The autocratic style should be used only with extreme caution and in the few situations when it is absolutely imperative (Goleman, 2000). A long term use of such approach will cause reducing employees performance by damaging their morale. Observations of the effects of leadership style (i.e., autocratic vs. democratic) on the atmosphere of small groups process analyses of interactions in laboratory discussion tasks, and reports of industrial workers on the behavioral styles of their supervisors sought to identify patterns of leader behavior associated with high productivity or good morale (Chemers, 2000). Vroom and Yetton (1973) developed a decision-making model for integrating decision of leaders by applying occasional factors considering a wide range of decision-making for leaders varying from autocratic approaches to participative approaches. Such model defines that in case that the work is distinctive and employees are able enough, tending to autocratic approach gives better results. Overhand in unclear situation with no enough information participative approach will help making a better decision. In some situations when leader has not enough support, using participative strategy will help him assuring followers about the equality of decision makings weigh between them. Empirical research on the normative decision model is not extensive but is generally supportive of its basic premises (Field House, 1990). Both Normative decision theory and contingency model are focused on as the leadership as a core of decision making. It means that these approaches are considering leader as a person who gains the support of followers for implementing the best solution. Meanwhile these two methods are focusing on applying Autocratic style for situations with a clear short-term aim and supportive followers but p participative approach should be used for less clarified situation. Both Fiedlers (1967; Fiedler Chemers, 1974, 1984) contingency model and Vroom and Yettons (1973) normative decision model are built around the notion that internal group processes, such as decision-making processes, must match with external task demands to ensure high levels of group performance (Chemers, 2000). It seems autocratic approach can be used in predictable circumstances and in more unclear and less predictable situation there is more need to use participative approaches. Identifying environmental factors like attitudes of followers can help a leader for choosing the best style of leadership matched with current situation. Dyers (1986) study shows that adopting participative, expert, or referent leadership styles by managers will result in higher employee satisfaction and better business performance. In contrast, applying autocratic or laissez-faire/ mission leadership style will result in negative effects regard to employees satisfaction and business performance (R. L. Sorenson, 2000). There was a significant relationship between the project leaders professional qualification, his leadership style, and team composition and overall project performance (Odusami, 2003). Clift and Vandenbosch (1999) mentioned that autocratic leadership style is more common in short-cycle simple projects and participative leadership style is more common in short-cycle complex projects. Moreover, the long-cycle project leaders have also more tendencies to use the autocratic approach to lead the project. The Vroom and Yetton (1973) normative contingency model emphasizes increased follower involvement in decision making rangi ng from autocratic, consultative, to group leadership styles (Hollander Offermann, 1990). Baker (1980) has suggested studying the model because it can be useful for leaders in decision making and improving its process. Likert (1961) showed that a top level leader can issue his leadership style for the next leaders and make it as a leadership culture for the organization. For instance, a highly placed autocratic leader, who is low on input and participation from subordinates, can set a climate that limits the ability of leaders below to be participative (Hollander Offermann, 1990). Subordinate participation in decision making (PDM) as a human relation-based approach gave more tools for decision making. Schweiger and Leana (1986) by using PDM showed that no participation level (from fully autocratic to fully participative) can be employed for all followers in all kind of circumstances. Autocratic- oriented leadership may assume that his own awareness and information is enough for important decision making and followers are always less qualified for commitment. Such view point is unlike the participative leadership style. Job Satisfaction Description (Definitions and Business Impacts) 4 pages As one of the most important issues in organizational behavior, Job satisfaction considered as an attitudinal variable measuring the degree to which employees like their jobs and the various aspects of their jobs (Spector, 1996; Stamps, 1997). Locke (2002) gives a definition for job satisfaction as a pleasurable or a positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job or job experience. it can be defined also as à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ the feelings a worker has about his or her job or job experiences in relation to previous experiences, current expectations, or available alternatives (Balzer, 1997). As Begley Czajka (1993) Chiu (2000) and Tharenou (1993) said, job satisfaction is related to increase Job performance, positivity of work values, raising the motivation of employees and decreasing the absenteeisms rates and so on. In fact the whole Attitudes of members in an organization constitute the Job satisfaction. Responding employees into their job descriptions indicates the ir obligation toward employers. Re-engineering and minifying of the organization can help employers specifying efficient employees. Robbinss (1998) suggestion shall be considered about being the basis of job satisfactions measurement on the difference between the amounts of actual receiving compensate and the amount of which they are expected to receive. There are too many studies about Job satisfaction as one the organizational behaviors main factors. The relationship between job satisfaction and other organizational outcomes like absenteeism, performance, organizational commitment and turnover leads to focus on it. Changing situation of every organization especially hospitality industry led to focus on how to made employees efficient and effective, and thus for reaching the answers that was necessary to start studying about job satisfaction. Motivation theories (Herzberg, Maslow, and Vroom) are the basis for most of job satisfactions approaches. Maslows (1943) hypothesis is based on a hierarchy containing five needs (psychological, safety, social, esteem and self actualization needs). It assumes such proposition; although no need is ever fully gratified, a substantially satisfied need no longer motivates (Faulk, 2002). So its critical for an organization to identify the level of every employee on the hierarchy and try to satisfy him/her at that or hyper level. Motivation-hygiene theory of Herzberg (1966) suggests two factors affecting on the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of employees. According to this two-factor theory, inner factors are related to job satisfaction (opportunity of personal achievement, essence of work and possibility of growing). Conversely, outer factors are related with job dissatisfaction (organizational policy, conditions of works and etc. Expectancy theory of Vroom (1964) hypothesizes a relationship between the tendency to behave in a certain way, strength of a given outcome and the attractiveness of that outcome to employees. It proposes that an employee will perform at the best level of possibility if he/she be sure of existing one strong relationship between endeavor and performance, performance and compensates, compensates and satisfaction of personal aims. As a measurable thing, job satisfaction can be assumed as global feeling related to job and its factors. A job satisfaction facet can be related to any aspect of a job, including rewards, coworkers, supervisors, the work itself, and the organizational (Faulk, 2002) Based on Spector (1997) studies, such approach can prepare one more clear perspective of employees job satisfaction than a global approach. The reason is about having various feelings of different facets of the job. There are two job satisfaction measurement tools containing the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) and the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ). Both tools are developed for measurement of job satisfaction applying facet approach. Both of them measure the job satisfaction level by scaling satisfaction with distinctive facets of every employees job. The score of all facets including essence of work, competitors, supervisory and payment methods is gathered to make the summarized job satisfaction levels. Thereafter studies began to focus on using JDI and MSQ payment sub-scales for accretion of validity and making opportunity for comparing different results of studies (e.g., Berger Schwab, 1980; Blau, 1994; Capelli Sherer, 1988; Dreher, 1981; Dyer Theriault, 1976; Schwab Wallace, 1974). Organizational commitment is an important factor in organizational studies. It has a strong correlation with work-based factors like absenteeism, turnover, job satisfaction, leader-worker relationships (Arnolds Boshoff, 2004; Bagraim, 2003; Buck Watson, 2002; Eby, et al., 1999; Farrell Stamm, 1988; Lance, 1991; Mathieu Zajac, 1990; Michaels Spector, 1982; Tett Meyer, 1993; Wasti, 2003). Turn over can be defined as a states the individuals intentions to leave the organization (Faulk, 2002). Its another factor which has been considered having a relation to job satisfaction. Brockner et al. (2002) present that attention to justice in layoffs leads to increasing desirable reactions of workers for reaching the outcomes. Greenberg (1990a) showed the linkage of procedural justice with system satisfaction. Moreover he found the relativity between distributive justice and outcome satisfaction. Next studies support such model defining not only the impact of procedural justice on every organizational factor like organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviors but the impact of distributive justice on job specifications like job satisfaction. Such proceeding can be applied as a practical action for every organization. For increasing the level of commitment in organization, its necessary to focus proceedings on procedural justice perceptions. Otherwise for increasing the level of job satisfaction organization should focus on increasing distributive justice. Judge et al (2001) provided a review of relationship between job satisfaction and job performance qualitatively and quantitatively. They described 7 past qualitative models and finally because of un-integrity between all of them, used a new meta-analysis and developed a procedure for next researches about relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. Rusbult and Farrell (1983) studied The Impact of a longitudinal test of the investment model on job commitment, satisfaction and turnover of employees their study showed the differences between leavers and those who stayed in each factor of this model. Arvey et al (1989) examined environmental and genetic component on job satisfaction by using monozygotic twins and their findings was in consistent with genetic hypothesis and were applied as supplements of job satisfaction theories. Impacts of Autocratic Leadership Style on Employees Job Satisfaction 2 pages There are many worthy researches about leadership since the 1950s. This has divided into three areas: task-oriented, relation-oriented and participative leadership (Yukl, 2001). May be it is a common assumption that leadership style is based on everyones personality but functionally, it should be an optional choice. Leaders should have a wide range of behavioral solutions for every particular occasion. Goleman (2000) has defined six basic leadership styles deriving from various levels of emotional intelligence and applicable in specific situations. Each style has led organizational achievement with a specific manner. Our own working experiences tell us these are incontrovertible facts (Solutions Zones 2004). If we consider the autocratic management style as a kind of transactional style of leadership, there are a vast researches and applied findings about its relation with workers motivation, subordinates commitment and job satisfaction. The transformational leadership style has a positive association with work performance and organizational commitment of subordinates more than the transactional style. Transformational leaders produce higher leadership outcomes as well (Stephen Ogunlana, 2008). Also, Savery (1994) investigates on democratic style of leadership which is in opposite of autocratic one and says that The democratic style of leadership leads to a more positive organizational commitment from the individual and also higher job satisfactionà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦. Rad Yarmohammadian (2006) found that Employees job satisfaction depends upon the leadership style of managers. The research shows that participative management is not always a good management style. Managers should select the best leadership style according to the organizational culture and employees organizational maturity (Rad Yarmohammadian, 2006). We indicate specific instances where it has been shown that an appropriate leadership style, and the competence and emotional intelligence of the leader, delivers better results (J.R. Turner R. Muller, 2005) Research has shown that the most successful leaders have strengths in the following emotional intelligence competencies: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill (Goleman, 2000). Autocratic style as an approach must be used by a calculable method because in most of situations, it may have negative effects on motivation and flexibility of employees.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Benefit Programs in the Major Airline Industry
The Human Resource topic that we selected is to analyze the benefit programs of four major airlines. Benefits are important to employees as well as their families, and can be a powerful recruiting tool. Benefits also play a major role in managerial decisions and wise benefit choices can have a long-term impact on the quality of life. Some characteristics of a sound benefits program are, they must have clear specific objectives, they must allow for employee input, they must be responsive to societal and environmental change, provide for flexibility, and there must be clear communication with employees. One of the main challenges that companies face are the overall costs of these benefit programs to the companies themselves, as well as staying competitive in hopes to attract high quality employees. Almost 40% or $14,678 per employee is spent on benefit programs per year. American Airlines like many other airlines are facing many challenges in the HR area of benefits and incentives. American Airlines as we all know is one of the leading airlines in todayâ⬠s airline industry. This status reflects upon Americans benefit program. American Airlines realizes that it must stay competitive in this area to ensure that they get the most qualified employees. American Airlines offers many benefits and incentives for their employees with hopes to attract the best. Many of the benefits are standard and required by law such as social security, unemployment, workers compensation, and leaves without pay. What really must be paid attention too are the benefits and incentives that are offered in addition to the ones required by law. These benefits and incentives are what attract individuals to work for American rather than another airline. Benefits such as a 401 K ââ¬â Super Saver, which allows up to an ample 20% tax provision, a stock purchase plan, a credit union which could help one to buy a house, and personal emergency coupled with sick pay, just to name a few. American Airlines also recognizes ten major holidays for which employees do not have to work, yet they still get paid. Most of these are benefits that competing airlines offer, but one benefit stands out. American Airlines pass travel program is a benefit that many do not tend to overlook. American does not offer free stand-by tickets to its employees until they have been with the airline for 10 years. What they do offer are special discounted rates. This is the major weakness in their strategy to attract employees with benefits. American offers a very long list of benefits and incentives but this is one that is left out. I believe that American Airlines is making a big mistake by not allowing employees to fly for free. To become more effective American Airlines should add this benefit to its list so that it can be competitive with the other airlines. American has many strengths which include benefits that the other airlines do not offer such as a 401 K plans of up to 20%, and a credit union. Although at the same time it has a very large weakness, which is their travel plan that only offers its employees discounted rates, instead of free airfare. American Airlines must feel that it does not have to offer this benefit to attract potential workers, because it has so many other benefits to offer. Continental Airlines prides itself on offering a wide variety of benefits to their employees. The eligibility for these benefits varies according to the length of time an employee has worked for the company, and the position that they hold. One challenge that Continental Airlines face is the cost of providing these benefits to their employees. They have to make sure that they are financially able to provide these benefit programs, while still attracting high quality employees to their company. Some of these benefits include travel passes, profit sharing, stock purchase plans, retirement plans, 401(k) savings plan, vacation and sick pay, an expense reimbursement plan, medical and dental insurance, vision insurance, life insurance, and accident insurance. Although Continental employees and their families are able to travel at reduced rates; they are not able to fly completely for free, which may be considered unfavorable by some employees. Continental employees are also able to share in the financial growth of the company by purchasing Continental stock at a discounted rate. Continental also provides a fully funded retirement plan, which employees vest in after five years of service. It also provides the 401(k) savings plan, which is a great way for employees to save for retirement. The employees can save up to 19% of their salary before taxes are withheld. Continental also matches a portion of their employeesâ⬠contributions to the 401(k) savings plan. Full and part time employees of Continental are able to take advantage of paid vacations, as well as the sick leave policy which gives employees time off from work, with pay, when they are ill or unable to work. Continental also provides immediate accident insurance upon employment for all of their employees. Continental does provide many benefits upon the initial employment of their employees; however, some benefit plans are not available until seven months after they have been employed. These include medical and dental insurance, vision insurance, long-term disability plan, and life insurance. Most of the plans are pre-tax, which allows employee tax savings. For every employee, there is a benefits program that best suits him or her. Younger employees who do not have the responsibility of families may not be looking for the same benefits as an older employee with a family. Continental needs to realize these differences in employees, in order to provide a benefit program that will attract the high quality employees they are looking for. Southwest Airlines is currently the fastest growing airline in the business. Over the past 10 years Southwest have grown its revenues by 388% and its net income by 1,490%. Some of the things that have helped Southwest to grow so quickly are their personnel. They have found ways to hire employees that have out-performed every major airline for the past three years. Their hiring tactics can be accredited to a healthy business network, in-depth research, a good job database, strong recruiting staff, and an outstanding benefits program. Southwest offers its employees a very competitive benefits program. Their program offers passes and travel privileges, medical insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, long term disability insurance, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay, profit-sharing, 401 (k) plan, stock purchase plan, and a employee assistance plan. One of the special benefits to working at Southwest is flying for free on Southwest and flying free or at a reduced rate on other carriers with whom Southwest has a pass agreement. Effective from the first day of employment, all employees, their spouses, dependant children, and parents of employees all have unlimited travel privileges on Southwest. An employee may view this as a huge benefit when they decide they would like to travel. On the downside of this part of the benefit program, Southwest does not fly everywhere in the United States, and that may pose a problem for an employee that would like to travel somewhere that Southwest does not offer service. Another benefit is Southwestâ⬠s medical, dental, and life insurance plans. Employees may choose to incorporate their families with their medical and dental plans in order to save the employee money. The medical and dental plans will cover 100% of the employeeâ⬠s medical and dental needs, as well as their families needs, with minimal cost to the employee. For the life insurance plan, employees may choose coverage up to 4 times their base annual income in order to protect their family. The long-term disability program is set up in case an employee becomes disabled and can no longer work. Funds are still paid to the family in order to compensate for the employeeâ⬠s inability to work due to disability. Depending on employment classifications, employees are able to gather time off for personal illness and vacations. Employees celebrate several paid holidays throughout the calendar year, based on their employment classification. Southwest offers its employees a 401-(k) plan. The plan is designed to help employeeâ⬠s plan for their retirement. Eligible employees may contribute up to 15% of their pay to the plan on a pre-tax basis. Employees direct their investments and may borrow against their account balance. Employees are the basic fiber of Southwest Airlines, so they feel that employees should be able to share in the success of the company by investing in Southwest Airlines Co. tock through payroll reductions. Employees pay only 90% of the market value for the stock, and broker commissions are paid for by Southwest. Southwest cares very much for their employees well being. They offer their employees an assistance plan that helps when employees need it most. The plan provides professional assistance for employees and their families in order to solve personal problems that may arise that would cause their personal lives and job performance to suffer. Southwest Airlines realizes that without its employees the company would cease to work. Southwest offers these benefits to help keep their employees happy and provided for and in return their employees strive to keep Southwest on top. United Airlines is a true global airline that has over 140 stations in more than 30 countries around the world. United prides itself on being a company where opportunity and advancement are determined solely on merit and individual achievement. United supposedly values diversity not only because it is the correct thing to do, but because it is the right business thing to do. Unitedâ⬠s stated position is that all employees should be treated with respect and dignity. The policy not only extends to employees, but to Unitedâ⬠s customers, vendors, and independent contractors as well. Some of the benefits that United offers to its employees are; company-paid medical, dental, life and long-term disability insurance, pension plan, paid vacations, travel passes, stock purchase plan, 401(k) plan, and credit union. Going against the companyâ⬠s policy, United Airlines has been in litigation with the city of San Francisco concerning the ââ¬Å"Equal Benefits Lawâ⬠. Last year United Airlines supposedly negotiated a two-year exemption from the law in order to renew a 25-year lease with the San Francisco Airport. After opposing letters from the National Writers Union (NWU) United Airlines has joined with Air Transportation Association (ATA) in a lawsuit against the city of San Francisco challenging the ordinance. United claimed they never made an agreement with San Francisco and has not yet made a commitment to providing domestic partner benefits. The ordinance states that any entity that contracts with the city of San Francisco must provide equal benefits to its employeesâ⬠registered domestic partners that it provides to married spouses. Out of its 94,000 hired employees, United currently has approximately 10,000 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender employees. We believe that United is not very committed to diversity. It is obvious to see that United is trying to limit their benefit packages to those individuals that are not registered domestic partners. Some states still do not recognize domestic partners as legal binding marriages, and as a result, these individuals cannot receive equal benefits. Unitedâ⬠s problem is that almost 11% of its total workforce is comprised of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, or transgenders. If United is committed to having diverse employees they should also be diverse in their benefit coverage. United should recognize that they have a diverse background and these select individuals need to be given equal benefits regardless of the added costs. The text mentions that part of providing a sound benefit package is allowing employees to given input into the benefit system. Having employees participate in designing benefits programs would help ensure that management is moving in the direction of satisfying employee wants. To meet the many changes occurring in society, management must reflect these changes in the employee benefits programs. The fact is that benefit plans sometimes provide little advantage to employees. Even though United might be trying to save money, their treatment towards domestic partners are limiting the organizationâ⬠s ability to attract and retain quality employees. Some of the most effective policies and strategies for dealing with benefit programs are encompassed within each of the four airlines benefit programs offered. There are several benefits that are required by law, which include Social Security, Unemployment, Workers Compensation, and Leaves without Pay. Overall, American Airlines seemed to offer the most versatile benefits program. Although other programs offered similar benefits, we found that American Airlines offered the most conservative program. For example, United Airlines, and Southwest Airlines both offer free flights to all employees as well as their families, which may be more appealing to a young employee without a family. On the downside, we discovered that Southwest Airlines has a limited flight area, which minimizes their costs when employees take advantage of these programs, and allows them to offer these strategic benefits. We feel that American and Continental Airlines are overlooking an important strategic hiring strategy, by not offering free flights to all their employees, since cost of flights are fixed. For example, a flight that is only at 85% capacity will fly for the same price as a flight that is at 100% capacity. Continental Airlines, has a competitive benefits program as well, but it lacks the flight area which both United and American Airlines offer. We felt that American and United Airlines offered the best benefit programs, although American does not offer free flights from day one of employment, they offer many other compelling incentives such as, personal emergency assistance, vacation buying programs, credit union assistance, as well as flight discounts for their employees.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Disclosure Analysis Paper Essay
Disclosures are an essential part of financial reporting for publically traded corporations. The following analysis will look into General Motors Companyââ¬â¢s disclosure relating to the companyââ¬â¢s current assets of cash equivalents, inventory, and receivables. Disclosures can be found within the General Motors Companyââ¬â¢s financial statements and they will help readers gain a better understanding of the financial data. The sections of the companyââ¬â¢s disclosures will be analyzed in detail throughout this paper. The General Motors Company uses a table of contents for their significant disclosures so that the reader(s) of their financial statements can easily find whatever he or she may be looking for. The type of disclosure is listed along with a page number where the precise information can be found. The disclosures for the General Motors Companyââ¬â¢s assets are very precise. The first note to the reader(s) deals with Presentation. This section explains that G eneral Motors Companyââ¬â¢s financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in the United States. This section also lets the reader(s) know of any new accounting standards used by the company. In the year 2010 a few of these new standards were how the company financed receivables, fair value measurements, transfers of financial assets, and variable interest entities. In note three the company gives information about accounting standards, which have been issued, but are not yet in use in the General Motors Company. One standard deals with business combinations a new standard issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). The new standard for business combinations according to General Motors Company/Annual Report (2011) deals with ââ¬Å"the disclosure of supplemental pro forma information for business combinations that occur during the current yearâ⬠(Notes to financial statements). However, this standard was not to go into effect until January 1, 2011 so it was not incorporated into the 2010 financial statements. Another accounting standard that had not yet be adopted dealt with financial services-insurance. This standard was also put into place byà the FASB and it addressed the deferral of acquisition costs within the insurance industry. Basically the new standard changed or modified the type of costs in a company that can be capitalized in the renewal and acquisition of insurance industry. See more: analytical writing This standard would not go into effect until January 1, 2012, so it was not adopted for the 2010 financial statements. Within the notes section Note four contains information about Fair Value Measurements. According to General Motors Company/Annual Report, ââ¬Å"Cash equivalents, marketable securities, and derivative financial instruments are presented on our financial statements at fair valueâ⬠(Notes to financial statements). The note goes on to explain where the reader(s) of the General Motors Company financial statements will be able to find the fair value of debt, finance receivables, along with the carrying value related to these receivables and debt. According to General Motors Company/Annual Report (2011), ââ¬Å"High liquid investments with a maturity of 90 days or less at date of purchase are classified as Cash and cash equivalents. Investments in securities with a maturity date of greater than 90 days at date of purchase are classified as Marketable securitiesâ⬠(Notes to financial statements). Note five deals with Cash and Restricted Cash disclosures. This note informs the reader(s) of the financial statements that restricted cash would not include cash used to secure debt set up because of securitization business deals. According to General Motors Company/Annual Report (2011) ââ¬Å"Both cash and cash equivalents, which are restricted because of withdrawals of cash or the cash equivalents used under the terms of certain contractual arrangements will be recorded as restricted in other assets on the consolidated balance sheetâ⬠(Notes to financial statements). Also discussed in this section are how negative balances are reclassified and the way in which the company treats these occurrences. On the General Motors Company financial statements commercial paper, bank accounts, marketable securities, money market funds, and treasury bills are elements in the cash and cash equivalent sections on the financial statements. All these elements are considered highly liquid and are to be used by the General Motors Company for short-term n eeds if required. Note 10 for General Motors Companyââ¬â¢s financial statements deals with inventories. This disclosure states that the companyââ¬â¢s inventories are stated at what is lower between market and cost. Also stated is that a large part of the United States inventories cost are determined by a last-in,à first-out (LIFO) inventory method. The LIFO method was used in between 31% to 26% of GMââ¬â¢s inventories at December 31, 2010 and 2009 respectively (General Motors Company/Annual Report, 2011). First-in, first-out (FIFO) inventory method is used for determining cost for their other inventories. In conclusion the General Motors Companyââ¬â¢s financial statements contain a great deal of information and included in this information are 31 disclosures. All the companyââ¬â¢s disclosures were placed in their financial statements to aid the reader(s) with understanding the financials as well as making an educated evaluation and informed decisions about the General Motors Company and their financial statements.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Materialism Through The Mind Materialism - 867 Words
The Reducibility of Materialism Through The Mind Materialism can be described as, ââ¬Å"the metaphysical view that holds that only physical entities are real or exist (Mulvaney 531).â⬠Materialism is a topic that shapes how people look at the world and others. It has been a contested topic throughout all of history. As a result this concept has attracted the attention of many great philosophers like Rene Descartes and the Churchlands. Many philosophers attempt to understand this topic by attempting to reduce materialism to its very essence. The conclusions often vary from philosopher to philosopher, and that is no different between Descartes and Churchland. However, materialism is the more favorable stance as the ability to reduce it can easily done through many means as science. When attempting to understand whether one should favor materialism or not, one must be able to understand what type of materialism he or she believes in. In this particular essay, the framework of the Churchlands will be used to help better explain materialism. In this particular sense of materialism, people can reduce materialism by realizing that the general notions of the mind do not exist. Such general beliefs like beliefs and desire do not exist. This viewpoint of materialism is the accurate waypoint, but definitely differs from previous viewpoints. The most notable conflict is the great philosopher, Descartes. Descartes concluded that, for the most part, humanity can be confident about the contentShow MoreRelatedThe Philosophical Beliefs Of Substance Dualism And Modern Materialism953 Words à |à 4 PagesPhilosophical Traditions of Substance Dualism and modern Materialism The tradition of Substance Dualism was formulated by Rene Descartes to define the differing modes of the soul that function in the human mind. 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Firstly, Ill explain what materialism is and its opposing theory, dualism. Then Ill describe the evidence for materialism and respond with how dualists would. I conclude that Materialism is the best mind theory due to scientific evidence. Materialism and Dualism are both theories based on where the mind is located. The mind consists of mental states. Mental states can be divided into three categories: cognitiveRead MoreThe Theory Of Self Awareness1428 Words à |à 6 Pagesboth and if so it what correlation are subject, mind to body or body to mind? For generations many philosophers have sought out to answer this question. The dualist Descartes would argue that all we can know for sure is that we are here and that the mind is real but everything else can be brought into question as to whether it is real or not, even our own bodies. Materialism on the other hand would argue that we are nothing more than a body and the mind is nothing more than another physical thing or
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